Crossword 156: Yet Another Cavalcade of Crosswordese

Thomas Francis Dicksee, Ophelia

Thomas Francis Dicksee, Ophelia


I conclude this website’s third year with a third cavalcade of crosswordese—a puzzle that combines the tiredest crossword fill I can find into the groanworthiest answer phrases I can imagine.  Its purpose is to arouse in the solver the emotions of morphological pity and alphabetic fear, thereby inducing a catharsis of those emotions (see Aristotle’s Poetics).  

Once cleansed, you’ll find yourself in a mood to donate to the site; so I’ve made that easy for you with the button below.  Donate $10 and you’ll get a crossword filled only with words and phrases current in the Victorian era (and still current today, of course).  Donate $13.50 and you’ll get a 21 x 21 crossword.  Donate $15 and you’ll get both.  Donate $10,000,000 and the site will be renamed in your honor.


I can also receive donations through PayPal and Venmo, at my email address.
