Daniel Maclise, Title Unknown
A woman loves a man who regrets an entanglement with a married woman.
Here is another masterpiece by the unknown Radecliffe (see Novels 005, 105); its carefully finished plot, lively but nuanced characters, and incisive style are all typical of its author.
“It is written throughout with a remarkable smoothness and evenness; . . . its characters are, in general, well conceived and consistently carried out, and both its hero and heroine, without being at all unnatural, are sufficiently out of the common way to inspire more than common degree of interest. The construction of the story, however, is, we are inclined to think, the point which does the author most credit. This is, as might be expected from the title of the book, of a more than usually complicated nature; and we are compelled at once to admire the ingenuity which has led to its conception, and the singular skill by which so great a multiplicity of distinct interests and incidents are made to converge to the final catastrophe.” Spectator, May 5, 1861
“A lively, brisk novel” written “with apparently great ease, and very considerable correctness of style.” Critic, May 11, 1861
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