Hamilton Aïdé (1826-1906)
076 Introduced to Society 1884
176 Penruddocke 1873
236 Confidences 1859
289 In That State of Life 1871

Anonymous (Eva Desmond)
010   Eva Desmond    1858  

Anonymous (Hanworth)
131 Hanworth 1858

Anonymous (Married Women)
288 Married Women 1855

Anonymous (My Lady)
042   My Lady    1858    

Anonymous (Mrs. W.H. Corning?)
017    Western Border Life   1856    

Anonymous (a Plain Woman)
294 My Trivial Life and Misfortune 1883

Thomas Bailey Aldrich (1836-1907)
274 The Stillwater Tragedy 1880

Mrs. Alexander (1825-1902)
113 Look Before You Leap 1865
168 Which Shall it Be? 1866
001    The Wooing O't   1873    
063 Ralph Wilton’s Weird 1875
221 Her Dearest Foe 1876
304 A Crooked Path 1889
278 A Choice of Evils 1894

F. Anstey (1856-1934)
281 Vice Versâ 1882

Jane Ashton (?-?)
224 Sophia 1878

Emma Willsher Atkinson (1826-1900)
041    Extremes    1859    

A.J. Barrowcliffe (Albert Julius Mott) (?-1870)
101 Normanton 1862

Anne Beale (1816-1900)
060 Gladys the Reaper 1860
208 Fay Arlington 1875

Victoria Baker (1838-1913)
149 Half-a-Dozen Daughters 1871

Esther Bakewell (1798-1873)
071 Glenwood Manor-House 1857

Sabine Baring-Gould (1834-1924)
234 Through Flood and Flame 1868

Lady Florence Bell (1851-1930)
318 The Arbiter 1901

Alexander James Beresford-Hope (1820-1887)
245 Strictly Tied Up 1880

Clementina Black (1853-1923)
276 Orlando 1880

Archibald Boyd (1801-1864)
240 The Delameres of Delamere Court 1852

M.E. Braddon (1835-1915)
115 Aurora Floyd 1863
004    The Doctor's Wife    1864    
170 Only a Clod 1865
222 Birds of Prey 1867
223 Charlotte’s Inheritance 1868
280 To the Bitter End 1872
061 Lost for Love 1874

Laurence Brooke (?-?)
315 Three Fair Daughters 1882

Jane Octavia Brookfield (1821-1896)
175 Influence 1871

Robert Buchanan (1841-1901)
130 Foxglove Manor 1884

Henry Cuyler Bunner (1855-1896)
038    The Midge    1886    

Mrs. E. J. Burbury (?-?)
035   Florence Sackville    1851    

Ulick Ralph Burke (1845-1895)
250 Beating the Air 1879

Lady Charlotte Bury (1775-1861)
047 The Manoeuvring Mother 1842

Beatrice May Butt (1856-1918)
045 Alison 1883
137 Delicia 1879

Rosa Nouchette Carey (1840-1910)
114 Sir Godfrey's Grand-daughters 1892

Annie Carruthers (?-?)
265 The Pet of the Consulate 1882

Mrs. Henry Chetwynd (1828–1901)
080 Three Hundred a Year 1866
178 A Brilliant Woman 1892

Mary Cholmondeley (1859-1925)
024    Red Pottage    1899  
305 The Danvers Jewels 1887
306 Sir Charles Danvers 1889

Mrs. A.B. Church (?-?)
095 Measure for Measure 1862

Cecil Clayton (?-?)
171 Azalea 1876

Sophia Lucy Jane Clifford (1846-1929)
256 The Dingy House at Kensington 1881

Ellen Georgiana Clutton-Brock (1845-1894)
177 James Gordon’s Wife 1871

James Cobban (1849-1903)
117 The Golden Tooth 1901

Thomas Cobb (1854-1932)
043 The Bishop's Gambit 1901
146 The Dissemblers 1900
216 Mrs. Latham’s Extravagance 1915

Arthur C. Conder (1876-1901)
046 The Seal of Silence 1901

Edward Dutton Cook (1831-1883)  
040    Paul Foster's Daughter    1861    
111 Sir Felix Foy, Bart. 1865
166 Hobson’s Choice 1866
262 Over Head and Ears 1868

Oswald John Frederick Crawfurd (1834-1909)
275 The World We Live In 1884

Bithia Mary Croker  (1848?-1921)
013    Katherine the Arrogant    1909
073 Pretty Miss Neville 1883
129 A Family Likeness 1892
183 The Cats-Paw 1902
259 Married or Single? 1895

Catherine Crowe  (1790-1872)
023    Adventures of Susan Hopley    1841    
272 The Adventures of a Beauty 1852

Sir Henry Stewart Cunningham (1832-1920)
020    Wheat and Tares    1860    
161 Late Laurels 1864
214 The Chronicle of Dustypore 1875

Elizabeth Daniel (1823-1878)
070 Esther Dudley's Wooers 1874

Richard Harding Davis (1864-1916)
182 The King’s Jackal 1898

Julia Day (?-?)
058 The Old Engagement 1851

Christiana Jane Douglas (1822-1887)
094 The Heir of Ardennan 1852
207 The Browns and the Smiths 1863

Anna Harriet Drury (1824-1912)
064 Friends and Fortune 1849
184 Deep Waters 1863

Charlotte Dunning (1858?-1898)
287 Upon a Cast 1885

Eleanor Eden (1826-1879)
139 Dumbleton Common 1867

Emily Eden (1797-1869)
036   The Semi-Detached House    1859    
197 The Semi-Attached Couple 1860

Annie Edwardes (1830?-1896)
158 Ought We To Visit Her? 1871
212 A Vagabond Heroine 1873
270 A Blue-Stocking 1877

Edward Eggleston (1832-1902)
229 Roxy 1878
162 The Faith Doctor 1891

Elizabeth Darby Eiloart (1827-1898)
026    The Love That Lived    1874    

Anne Elliot (1856-1941)
062 Dr. Edith Romney 1883

Sir Arthur Hallam Elton (1818-1883)
165 Herbert Chauncey 1860

Mrs. Thomas Erskine (?-?)
180 Wyncote 1874

Rev. Albert Eubule Evans (1839-1896)
317 Pastor and Prelate 1892

Albany de Grenier de Fonblanque (1830-1924)
089 A Tangled Skein 1862
150 Jedwood Justice 1892

Jessie Fothergill (1851-1891)
088 Made or Marred 1881

Harold Frederic (1856-1898)
173 March Hares 1896
314 Seth's Brother's Wife 1887

Lady Georgiana Fullerton (1812-1885)
019    Grantley Manor    1847    
263 Ellen Middleton 1844

Charles Gibbon (1843-1890)
194 What Will the World Say? 1875

Theo Gift (1847-1923)
015    Lil Lorimer    1885
125 An Innocent Maiden 1883

William Gilbert (1804-1890)
135 De Profundis 1864

Elizabeth Glaister (1840-1892)
106 The Perfect Path 1884
298 A Constant Woman 1878

Isabel Goldsmid (?)
252 ’Tis an Old Tale, and Often Told 1839

Catherine Gore (1799-1861)
012    Mrs. Armytage    1836    
072 Stokeshill Place 1837
118 Preferment 1839
172 The Banker’s Wife 1843
235 The Heir of Selwood 1838

Elliott Graeme (?-?)
167 A Novel with Two Heroes 1872

Robert Grant (1852-1940)
257 The Confessions of a Frivolous Girl 1880
301 Unleavened Bread 1900

Anna K. Green (1846-1935)
233 The Leavenworth Case 1878

Edward Everett Hale (1822-1909)
244 Ups and Downs 1873

Sir Edward Bruce Hamley (1824-1893)
248 Lady Lee’s Widowhood 1853

William George Hamley (1815-1893)
247 House of Lys 1879

Henry Harland (1861-1905)
309 Grandison Mather 1889

Elizabeth Anna Hart (1822-1886)
006    Wilfred's Widow    1883
140 A Very Young Couple 1873
239 Freda 1878

Isabella Neil Harwood (1837-1888)
123 Raymond's Heroine 1867

Mrs. S.C. Hall (1800-1881)
090 Marian 1840

May Laffan Hartley (1850-1916)
312 Ismay’s Children 1887

Frances Cashel Hoey (1830-1908)
067 Out of Court 1874
153 Falsely True 1870
271 Griffith's Double 1876

Anthony Hope (1863-1933)
124 Mr. Witt's Widow 1892
264 The Indiscretion of the Duchess 1894

Catherine Anne Hubback (1820?-1880?)
112 The Rival Suitors 1857

Margaret Hunt (1831-1912)
039   Mrs. Juliet    1892    
285 The Leaden Casket 1880

Peter Hay Hunter (1854-1909) and Walter Whyte (?-?)
273 My Ducats and My Daughter 1884

Jean Ingelow (1820-1897)
128 Allerton and Dreux 1851

Marian James (?-?)
027   A Lord of the Creation    1857    

John Cordy Jeaffreson (1831-1901)
243 Live It Down 1863

Annie Keary (1825-1879)
055 Janet's Home 1863

Leslie Keith (1843-1929)
085 Cynthia’s Brother 1901

Arabella Kenealy (1859-1938)
321 Molly and Her Man of War 1893

Coulson Kernahan (1858-1943)
277 Scoundrels & Co. 1899

Rosa Mackenzie Kettle (1818-1895)
147 Lewell Pastures 1854

Emily Lawless (1845-1913)
308 A Chelsea Householder 1882

Leonora Blanche Lang (1851-1933)
292 Dissolving Views 1884

J. Sheridan Le Fanu (1814-1873)
050 Uncle Silas 1864

Holme Lee (1828-1900)
193 Ben Milner's Wooing 1876

Amy Levy (1861-1889)
302 The Romance of a Shop 1888

Mary A. Lewis (1848-1915)
297 Two Pretty Girls 1881

Eliza Lynn Linton (1827-1898)
044 Patricia Kemball 1874
134 My Love 1881
201 Lizzie Lorton of Greyrigg 1866

Laurence William Lockhart (1831-1882)
151 Fair to See 1871

William J. Locke (1863-1930)
188 The Usurper 1901

Arthur Locker (1828-1893)
169 Sweet Seventeen 1866

Agnes Macdonell (1840-1925)
237 Quaker Cousins 1879

Sarah MacNaughtan (1864-1916)
092 The Fortune of Christina MacNab 1901

Katharine S. Macquoid (1824-1917)
217 Patty 1871

Justin McCarthy (1830-1912)
059 Linley Rochford 1874
163 Miss Misanthrope 1877
220 Dear Lady Disdain 1875

E.S. Maine (1838-1891)
141 Among Strangers 1870
282 Scarscliff Rocks 1875

Agnes Catherine Maitland (1849-1906)
323 Rhoda 1885

Lucas Malet (1852-1931)
028   Colonel Enderby's Wife    1885
299 A Counsel of Perfection 1888

Mary E. Mann (1848-1929)
016   Moonlight    1898  
154 The Parish of Hilby 1883
204 In Summer Shade 1893
310 A Winter’s Tale 1891

Anne Manning (1807-1879)
052 The Ladies of Bever Hollow 1858
110 Anne Manning, Poplar House Academy 1859

Florence Marryat (1833-1899)
086 Love’s Conflict 1865

Anne Marsh-Caldwell (1791-1874)
069 Emilia Wyndham 1846
187 The Wilmingtons 1850
246 Lettice Arnold 1850

Mary Emma Martin (1845-1931)
232 Bonnie Lesley 1878

Harriet Martineau (1802-1876)
037    Deerbrook    1839  

Cecil Maxwell (?-?)
185 A Story of Three Sisters 1874

Leonard Merrick (1864-1939)
084 Cynthia: A Daughter of the Philistines 1896

Samuel Merwin (1874-1936)
078 Calumet K (with H.K. Webster) 1901

Henry Milton (1784–1850)
031   Rivalry    1840  
290 Lady Cecilia Farrencourt 1845

Mary Molesworth (1823-1863)
099 The Great Experiment 1860

Mary Louisa Molesworth (1839-1921)
100 Leona 1892
179 She Was Young and He Was Old 1872

Anna M. Monro (?-?)
296 Crane Court 1888

Frances Frederica Montrésor (1862-1934)
133 The Alien 1901

Susan Morley (1836-1921)
051 Aileen Ferrers 1974
196 Throstlethwaite 1875

David Christie Murray (1847-1907)
009    Hearts    1883    
068 Joseph’s Coat 1881
127 Val Strange 1882
181 First Person Singular 1886
225 A Rogue’s Conscience 1897

Emma Newby (1825-1899)
242 Trodden Down 1866

Emma Newman (1831-1903)
102 Begun in Jest 1891

William Edward Norris (1847-1925)
002     No New Thing    1883    
054 Thirlby Hall 1884
104 Major and Minor 1887
156 My Friend Jim 1886
209 Matrimony 1880
260 Marcia 1890
300 The Rogue 1888

Caroline Sheridan Norton (1828-1897)
087 Lost and Saved 1863

Margaret Oliphant (1828-1897)
007   Salem Chapel    1863    
107 Whiteladies 1875
008   Phoebe Junior    1876  
152 Hester 1883
056 The Unjust Steward 1896
205 Some Passages in the Life of Mrs. Margaret Maitland 1849
206 Lilliesleaf: Being a Concluding Series of Passages in the Life of Mrs. Margaret Maitland 1855
266 May 1873

Moira O’Neill (1864-1955)
311 An Easter Vacation 1893

Francis E. Paget (1806-1882)
143 Lucretia 1868

Albert Bigelow Paine (1861-1937)
226 The Van Dwelleers 1901

Margaret Agnes Paul (1829–1905)
025    Martha Brown, the Heiress    1861    
136 De Cressy 1856
198 Uncle Ralph 1858
251 Dorothy 1856
286 Gentle and Simple 1878

James Payn (1830-1898)
011   Thicker Than Water    1883    
081 The Canon’s Ward 1884
211 What He Cost Her 1877
255 A Confidential Agent 1880

Will Payne (1865-1954)
096 The Story of Eva 1901

Amelia Perrier (1841-1875)
164 A Good Match 1872

F.C. Philips (1849-1921)
302 As in a Looking Glass 1885

Ellen Pickering (1802-1843)
126 The Quiet Husband 1840

H. Bouverie Pigott (?-?)
215 Grace Clifford 1865

Eleanor Frances Poynter (1840-1929)
145 My Little Lady 1870
195 An Exquisite Fool 1892

Harriet Waters Preston (1836-1911)
203 Is That All? 1876

Alice Price (1840-1891)
021    Who is Sylvia?    1883    
132 A Wilful Young Woman 1886

Richard Orton Prowse (1862-1949)
192 The Poison of Asps 1892

Richard Pryce (1864-1942)
122 The Quiet Mrs. Fleming 1890
313 Miss Maxwell’s Affections 1891

Noell Radecliffe (?-?)
105 Alice Wentworth. 1854
005    The Secret History of a Household    1855  
157 Wheel within Wheel 1861
268 Sybilla Lockwood 1864

Walter Raymond (1852-1930)
322 Taken at His Word 1892

Charlotte Riddell (1832-1906)
065  Too Much Alone 1860

G.M. Robins (1861-1939)
093 The Ides of March 1892

Emma Robinson (1814-1890)
083 Cynthia Thorold 1862

Margaret Roberts (1833-1919)
249 A Younger Sister 1892

Lady Harriet Anne Scott (1819-1894)
022   The Hen-Pecked Husband   1848  
230 Hylton House 1850

Adeline Sergeant (1851-1904)
320 Seventy Times Seven 1888

Elizabeth Missing Sewell (1815-1906)
109 Ursula 1858

James Brinsley Richards (1846-1892)
319 The Duke's Marriage 1885

Mrs. Alfred Sidgwick (1852-1934)
082 Cynthia's Way 1901
142 The Inner Shrine 1900
200 Victorian 1922
258 The Professor's Legacy 1905
316 A Splendid Cousin 1892

Frank Smedley (1818-1864)
048 Frank Farleigh 1850

Menella Bute Smedley (1820-1877)
291 Linnet’s Trial 1864

Alexander Smith (1829-1867)
097 Alfred Hagart's Household 1865

E.D.E.N Southworth (1819-1899)
091 Ishmael 1864

Hope Stanford (?-?)
241 Down the Way 1884

Elizabeth Stone (1803-1881)
098 Mr. Dalton's Legatee, a Very Nice Woman

Mrs. Stirling (?-?)
120 Sedgely Court 1865

C.H.D. Stocker (?-?)
284 Between the Acts 1884

Hesba Stretton (1832-1911)
293 The Doctor’s Dilemma 1872

Julian Sturgis (1848-1904)
231 Comedy of a Country House 1889

Julia Cecilia Stretton (1812-1878)
049 Mr. and Mrs. Asheton 1859

William Webb Follett Synge (1826-1891)
238 Tom Singleton 1879

Elizabeth Taylor (?-?)
295 Quixstar 1873

Annie Thomas (1838-1918)
254 Called to Account 1867

Cecilia Frances Tilley (1816-1849)
032    Chollerton    1846  

Harriet Jane Trelawny (1821-1879)
253 Sister 1879

Anthony Trollope (1815-1882)
034   Cousin Henry    1879

Frances Eleanor Trollope (1835-1913)
033   A Charming Fellow    1875    
108 That Unfortunate Marriage 1888
202 Aunt Margaret's Troubles 1866
267 Like Ships upon the Sea 1883

Frances Milton Trollope (1779-1863)
029   The Ward of Thorpe-Combe    1842    
079 Petticoat Government 1850
138 Tremordyn Cliff 1835
189 The Widow Barnaby 1839
190 The Widow Married 1840
191 The Barnabys in America 1843
269 The Vicar of Wrexhill 1837

Thomas Adolphus Trollope (1810-1892) 
119 Lindisfarn Chase 1864
030   Durnton Abbey    1871    

S. Vere (?-?)
218 Lady Helena 1877

Julia Rattray Waddington (1801-1862)
014    Janet  1839    
213 Newstoke Priors 1842

Lucy B. Walford (1845-1915)
018    A Stiff-Necked Generation    1889
066 The Baby’s Grandmother 1884
121 Troublesome Daughters 1880
174 Cousins 1879
227 Pauline 1877
279 The One Good Guest 1892

Annie Louisa Walker (1836-1907)
228 Lady’s Holm 1878

Ellen Wallace (1816-1894)
074 Beyminstre 1856
144 Margaret Capel 1846

Henry Kitchell Webster (1875-1932)
078 Calumet K (with S. Merwin) 1901

Sir Frederick Wedmore (1844-1921)
283 Two Girls 1873

Percy White (1852-1938)
075 The Grip of the Bookmaker 1901
148 Andria 1896

Frederick Wicks (1840-1910)
116 The Veiled Hand 1892

Florence Wilford (1836-1897)
186 Nigel Bartram’s Ideal 1869

Mrs. Henry Wood (1814-1887)
077 East Lynne 1861
159 The Channings 1862
160 Roland Yorke 1869

Constance Fenimore Woolson (1840-1894)
057 Anne 1882
199 For the Major 1883

Edmund Hodgson Yates (1831-1894)
219 Broken to Harness 1864

Charlotte Yonge (1823-1901)
003   Heartsease    1854    
053 The Daisy Chain 1856
103 The Trial 1864
307 The Clever Woman of the Family 1865
155 The Pillars of the House 1873
210 That Stick 1892
261 Hopes and Fears 1860