Crossword 291: Fed Up


Henry John Yeend King, Feeding Time


That’s right—I’m fed up!  I’m fed up, for example, with politics, which is actually just an effect of tribalism, which is in turn just an effect of human nature, which is itself just an effect of nature in general, which is after all just an effect of whatever mysterious process created everything for whatever mysterious purpose.  So I’ll just do a crossword.

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291 Fed Up

Crossword 284: Meal Preparation


Solomon Joseph Solomon, The Breakfast Table


Meal preparation!  Here at David Alfred Bywaters’s Crossword Cavalcade and Fortnightly Victorian Novel Recommender, not only do we dress for dinner in correct evening attire, we also take care at every meal to provide ourselves only with nutritionally balanced dishes hand-crafted from organic ingredients gathered laboriously from our own fields.  All this takes so much time that we barely have any left in which to chew and swallow the stuff, much less to read novels and make crosswords.  So in this fortnight’s puzzle we’re combining our labors.

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284 Meal Preparation

A crossword of mine will appear next Tuesday, August 29, in The Wall Street Journal.

Crossword 277: Outer Space


Alfred Fowler Patten, The Child and the Star


Had enough of this blighted ball, this suffering sphere, this ghastly globe?  Fly with me to outer space!  It’s time for me to confirm what you’ve long suspected.  How, you’ve asked yourselves and each other, could any mere earthling come up, fortnight after fortnight, with such brilliant puzzles?  In fact I come from the planet Lapnet—a happy place, where hipster slang, and euphemism, and jargon, and brand names, and paid athletes, and Hollywood celebrities, are unknown.

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277 In Outer Space