Crossword 322: Trash Bin


Ernest Normand, Evil Sought


Here is yet another in my series of crosswords exploring the dark side of the human condition (see, for example, Crosswords 112, 114, 115, 224, 306), the filth and misery that other crossword constructors never come near.  Why don’t they, I wonder?  Is it that they are afraid—afraid, perhaps of the darkness within themselves, lurking just beneath their facile self-regard, their bourgeois pieties?

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322 Trash Bin

Crossword 320: Overworked Abbreviations


Charles Sillem Lidderdale, The Letter


Where would crossword constructors be without abbreviations?  How many themes would have to be discarded if it weren’t for EEO and EOE? And the AAA and the ABA and the ACA and the ADA and the BBA and the BBB and the BBC?  Indignant solvers may complain that they’ve never seen a screen referred to as an SCR, that SSRs aren’t much talked about anymore, that SPR is not a season they’ve encountered outside of a crossword, that an STR is not and has never been an orchestra section, or a narrow maritime passageway, or a stock unit, or a riverboat, or a soft-shell clam.  And they have a point.  But what they don’t consider is just what these guessable letters may have spared them in the way of unguessable jargon, or trivia, or slang.  This puzzle is a grateful tribute to the hard-working, much-abused abbreviations that have got us all out of more than one tight cruciverbal corner with minimal semantic damage.

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320 Overworked Abbreviations

A crossword of mine will appear Wednesday, January 15, in The Wall Street Journal