Crossword 260: Double Duties


Edmund Blair Leighton, Duty


Duty is an important value with us here at David Alfred Bywaters’s Crossword Cavalcade and Weekly Victorian Novel Recommender, as it was with the Victorians themselves; so this week’s puzzle, which concludes the website’s fifth year, is a cruciverbal Ode to Duty, just like Wordsworth’s, except that it’s a puzzle made up of crossed words rather than a poem..

Are you feeling a dutiful inclination to help support this website?  Now’s your chance!  As at other years’ ends, along with giving you absolutely free two 21 x 21 puzzles (this week and next week), we are offering bonus puzzles to those who donate.  You may click on the button below, or donate through PayPal or Venmo using the site’s email address.  There are four donation levels.  Donate $12 and receive a 15 x 15 crossword which employs only words current during the Victorian era (and, of course, still current today).  Donate $13.50 and receive a large, themed 21 x 21 crossword.  Donate $15 and receive both. 

And again, for a donation of $10,000,000.00 the site will be renamed in your honor. So if your name is, say, Melon Usk, it will henceforth be known as Melon Usk Presents David Alfred Bywaters’s Crossword Cavalcade and Weekly Victorian Novel Recommender.  Why do this?  Well, say you’re a little remorseful about spending 44 billion dollars on a social media platform that’s good for little but abusing one’s enemies and congratulating oneself—wouldn’t you feel much better about things if, for a tiny fraction of the price, you purchased in addition the right to present the world’s premier source of crossword puzzles and Victorian novel recommendations?

Download this week’s crosswords:



260-Double-Duties (2 pages).pdf

Solve this week’s crosswords online:

260 Double Duties


A crossword of mine appears today in the Wall Street Journal; another appears Friday, November 18, in the Los Angeles Times.

Crossword 251: I Recycle


John William Godward, The Mirror


That’s right!  I recycle!  I separate cans, bottles, and paper.  I break down the boxes and I tear the labels off the cans.  I even tear the little plastic windows off the business envelopes and the pasta boxes.  And, like other people who use yard signs, bumper stickers, banners, tee shirts, and other such means to announce their possession of basic virtues, I thought everybody would be glad to know this about me.  You are glad, aren’t you? Of course. So here’s a crossword for you, in my honor.

Download this week’s crossword:



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251 I Recycle

Crossword 246: That’s Just Preverted!


George Hayter, The Town Clerk of Brecon and His Family


Don’t let the title worry you—you can solve this puzzle, as you can all my puzzles, with the whole family gathered admiringly around you—unless, that is, you want to protect your progeny, during their impressionable years, from witnessing serious violations of linguistic norms.

Download this week’s crossword:



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246: That’s Just Preverted!

A crossword of mine appears today in the Wall Street Journal.

Crossword 245: Change of Pace


John Callcott Horsley, Critics on Costume, Fashions Change


After five weeks of unrelenting cruciverbal depression, it’s time for a change of pace; and that’s exactly what this week’s puzzle provides. Of course, you’ll nonetheless find in it all the usual qualities of puzzles on this site:  norm-shattering formal innovation, the latest in culture, and a daring willingness to speak truth to power.  (Also some wordplay.)

Download this week’s crossword:



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245 Change of Pace

Crossword 244: Down in the Mine


John William Godward, The Jewel Casket


We at David Alfred Bywaters’s Crossword Cavalcade and Weekly Victorian Novel Recommender aren’t satisfied with the gems of wordplay that can be purchased in the public marketplace.  We prefer to dig our own out of the bowels of the earth, braving darkness and damp, noxious vapors and the ever-present threat of semantic collapse—all so that you, the solver, can adorn your mental domicile at our expense, little suspecting the cost.  But we wouldn’t have it any other way.

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244 Down in the Mine

Crossword 243: Downplay


Edward Robert Hughes, Dream Idyll (A Valkyrie)


I give you fair warning:  the Downs in this puzzle (at least the themed ones) are all Across.  Now that’s just the kind of startling, long-overdue innovation you’ve come to expect of my puzzles; but, like most wonderful things, it comes at some risk:  if you’re subject to vertigo, you might want to solve the puzzle while lying on your side.

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243 Downplay

Crossword 242: What a Downer!


Frederick Daniel Hardy, Sorrowful News 


I meant this website to be a cheerful place, filled with smiles and sunshine, and look what’s happened!  Why, I wonder?  Maybe it’s the crossword genre itself, which necessarily makes us cross and takes us down.  As I’ve said before, I think the time is overdue for a radical reconceptualization of the form, one that ceases to valorize traditional numerical hierarchies (why should 2 always be greater than 1?), one that shatters the old boundaries imposed by binary grids of black squares and white squares, one that replaces the cross with the happy, the down with the up.  I’m working on it.  

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242 What a Downer

Crossword 240: Tossing It Down


John Melhuish Strudwick, Oh Swallow, Swallow


When we at David Alfred Bywaters’s Crossword Cavalcade and Weekly Victorian Novel Recommender indulge in an occasional flagon of mead or snifter of usquebaugh, we like to savor it slowly, meanwhile discussing the issues of the day in an incisive but nuanced manner.  However, we have no interest in confining ourselves to making only crosswords that “look like us.”  We hope to cater to all tastes and types.  So if you are one of those people whose approach to liquor, or to life, is to “toss it down,” here’s one that looks like you.

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240 Tossing It Down