Novel 114: Rosa Nouchette Carey, Sir Godfrey's Grand-daughters (1892)

Henry Tanworth Wells, Emma and Federica Bankes of Soughton Hall

Henry Tanworth Wells, Emma and Federica Bankes of Soughton Hall


A young lady resists her grandfather’s plan for her to marry her cousin.

Rosa Nouchette Carey (1840-1909) wrote over 40 novels featuring virtuous women in domestic settings.  This one is certainly vulnerable to such dismissals as the Athenaeum's:  "nice and pretty young women . . . go through some pretty and romantic adventures with some exceptionally handsome and enterprising young men.” But despite its slow pace and its characteristic avoidance of the strange or surprising, it holds the attention: the style is free of sentimentality, and several characters are well and plausibly delineated.

“A quaint, simple tale of an English community. . . . Throughout the story is natural and entertaining, the style sympathetic, and the study of character clear and good.” Critic, November 5, 1892

It is “pre-eminently soothing"; a “quiet story of the life of rural gentlepeople . . . and the substance of the novel is well matched by the cultivated refinement of Miss Carey’s literary style”; it has “interest given by delicately truthful characterization rather than by exciting sequence of events. . . . One of the pleasantest of recent contributions to domestic fiction; it is not lacking in humour, and there are passages of true and unstrained pathos.” Academy, December 4, 1892

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Novel 112: Catherine Anne Hubback, The Rival Suitors (1857)

James Clarke Hook, Wreckage from the Fruiter

James Clarke Hook, Wreckage from the Fruiter


A virtuous young lady is courted by both an honest young coast-guard captain and a middle-aged landowner with a past.

Catherine Anne Hubback (1820?-1880?) was Jane Austen’s niece (the daughter of her brother Sir Francis—possibly more a drawback than an advantage in her career, since it led critics into invidious comparisons).  She wrote ten novels between 1850 and 1862.  This one begins well, though it eventually comes to grief amid melodramatic crimes implausibly concealed and even more implausibly revealed.  The second volume, where well-delineated characters are shown at amusing cross purposes, is the best.

“It is well written, carefully worked out, and very interesting; the morality is healthy, and, though highly wrought, is neither fantastic nor overstrained. . . .  The incidents of the discovery are too much forced, and the repetition of disasters at sea shows a want of invention . . . surprising in so clever a writer.” Athenaeum, May 23, 1857

It is, “though not free from defects . . . the best of all Mrs. Hubback’s works, and one which proves her to be nearly allied by genius, as she is by blood, to the first of English female novelists”; she “shows considerable ingenuity in the construction of the plot, and no small power of telling a story.  Then some of the characters are very powerfully sketched, and presented in a manner which displays great knowledge of human nature.” Saturday Review, August 8, 1857

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Novel 110: Anne Manning, Poplar House Academy (1859)

Sir Luke Fildes, A Schoolgirl

Sir Luke Fildes, A Schoolgirl


Abandoned by their father, three sisters open a school.

For Anne Manning see Novel 052

“Until now, we have never seen a work of fiction which seemed to deserve the title a Tale of Real Life, but we must thank the authoress . . . for having justified, in her present work, our belief that such a tale might be so told as to find many and grateful listeners.  About the vraisemblance, simplicity, and reality of the story there can be no question.  Its construction—it cannot be said to have a plot—is that of many and many an unwritten biography, and among its readers there will be not a few who will recognise it as little more than a sober and truthful portrait of their own existence. . . .  To those who read it on a quiet evening after a good day’s work—to those who read with a sober taste rather than with omnivorous mental appetite—it is likely to prove an agreeable and welcome variety, after the laboured piquancy of more pretentious works.  Those who know  . . . how wearisome a task novel reading may become, will probably agree with us in wishing that more of the novel-writers of our day were capable of imitating the good taste, simple style, and modest coloring which are the crowning merits of the pictures of English home life contained in these two little volumes.” Saturday Review, April 9, 1859

“In the course of the tale this practised and agreeable writer inculcates many just and sound views as to the importance and dignity of the tuitional vocation when rightly apprehended.” Critic, April 30, 1859

“There is a good sound English style, a kindly human sympathy, and a genial, warm and Christian spirit in the writings of this lady that make them deservedly popular, and this, her most recent work, is decidedly one of the most pleasant.” Eclectic Review, May, 1859

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Novel 109: Elizabeth Missing Sewell, Ursula (1858)

William Mulready, Young Girl with a Basket of Eggs

William Mulready, Young Girl with a Basket of Eggs


A farmer's daughter grows up admiring her brother and striving to be virtuous.

Elizabeth Missing Sewell (1815-1906) wrote some 13 novels, many, like this one, first-person narratives of a girl’s entry into adulthood.  The reader must endure some pious tedium, but in exchange gets a set of living, original characters and a fine-grained representation of life on a tenant farm—a refreshing change from the usual aristocratic setting.

“To those who have leisure and patience, Ursula may be recommended as a careful and able depiction of country scenery, of a peculiar kind of country life, and a painstaking delineation of various characters, but time and patience are indispensable to its relish.” Spectator, April 17, 1858

“The characters are drawn with truth to nature, and they give a colour and turn to the circumstances and incidents of the story rather than the circumstances to them, which is as it should be, for in real life the same incidents played by different characters would lead to widely different results.  Of course, the aim . . . is didactic; but . . . the book is genial and kindly, and the impression left on the mind is pleasant.” Athenaeum, April 24, 1858

Sewell’s purpose is “to delineate character—to analyze the mixed motives of human conduct—to trace the effects of moral errors in the unhappiness and disappointment which spring from them, and of self-denying virtue in its consequent happiness and contentment.” Literary Gazette, May 8, 1858

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Novel 108: Frances Eleanor Trollope, That Unfortunate Marriage (1888)

Philip Calderon, Preparing for a Walk

Philip Calderon, Preparing for a Walk


A lively but virtuous young lady, raised by her unfashionable grandmother, is introduced into society by a fashionable aunt.

Frances Eleanor Trollope (née Ternan) (see Novel 033) here provides another collection of deftly handled comic characters caught in Victorian contradictions of class and wealth.

The novel “deals with ordinary people and characters in a fresh and graceful way.  Nothing could be more hackneyed than the basis of the plot; but there are some delightfully natural characters, and the current of interest is calm and pure throughout.” Athenaeum, December 15, 1888

That Unfortunate Marriage . . . yields to none of this lady’s previous works in point of faithful and observant portraiture, with all the quiet humour which accompanies thoroughly natural description of life and manners. . . .  One rises from the book with the feeling that one hardly remembers or cares what it has been about, in the delight of having formed a new and interesting circle of acquaintance, whose counterparts we know to exist in the world around us, and whose thoughts and ways have become so familiar that we could tell to a nicety what any of them would say or do in any given circumstances.” Academy, January 5, 1889

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Crossword 107: Inner Lemons

Jessica Hayllar - The Lemonade Drink

Jessica Hayllar - The Lemonade Drink


People often ask me, “Why are you so wonderful?  What's your secret?”  Well, I'll tell you what it is: it’s my attitude! I always look on the bright side!  When life gives me lemons, I make a crossword puzzle!

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Solve this week’s crossword online:

107 Inner Lemons

Pointing Hand.png

A crossword of mine will appear Sunday, December 8, in Universal Crossword, and another Wednesday, December 11, in the Wall Street Journal.

Novel 107: Margaret Oliphant, Whiteladies (1875)

Sir Luke Fildes, Naomi

Sir Luke Fildes, Naomi


An old woman is troubled about the succession of her ancestral estate.

Here is another novel by Margaret Oliphant (see Novels 007, 008, 056): the elderly, morally conflicted protagonist and the playful young woman who torments her are both outstanding creations.

“Mrs. Oliphant . . . avails herself of a most unpleasant plot to make a remarkably fine study of character.” Bradford Observer, December 4, 1875

“The characters are generally well-drawn and diverting. . . .  As a study of ordinary people, the book evinces a skill almost wonderful.” Scribner’s, May, 1876

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Novel 106: Elizabeth Glaister, The Perfect Path (1884)

James Sant, Meditation

James Sant, Meditation


A gambler’s daughter wants to be good.

Elizabeth Glaister (1840-1892) wrote five novels between 1873 and 1890.  This one has a lively style and an unusual comic heroine.

“Although the title of ‘The Perfect Path’ suggests too strongly something in the nature of a religious novel—one of the most terrible forms of literature—it is in reality a very lively story, in which the author, by keeping well within her powers, has succeeded.  The heroine is very graphically presented and makes a charming figure.” Athenaeum, February 16, 1884

“There are some good character studies in this entertaining story.” Morning Post, February 27, 1884

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Crossword 105: End Times

Marcus Stone, The End Of The Story

Marcus Stone, The End Of The Story


Are we nearing the end?  Is the human race on the brink of collapse??  Is there nothing left for us but a period of hopeless mass suffering amid war, and disease, and famine that will end only in our species’ extinction???

Oh well—here’s a crossword puzzle.

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105 End Times

Pointing Hand.png

A crossword of mine will appear Friday, November 29, in The Los Angeles Times (and The Chicago Tribune, The Houston Chronicle, The San Francisco Chronicle, etc.)

Novel 105: Noell Radecliffe, Alice Wentworth (1854)

Henry Tanworth Wells, Alice

Henry Tanworth Wells, Alice


A well-meaning man is led into disaster by unfortunate sexual impulses.

Another tale of love and adultery, of good people at the mercy of bad ones, by the great Noell Radecliffe (see Novel 005), a writer as brilliant as she (he?) is forgotten.

“The character of the heroine . . .  is conceived with singular delicacy, and sustained with admirable consistency and spirit.  Other personages are introduced whom we recognise as portraitures of real life.  There is Horace Ferrers, whom we all know.  Arthur Darrell . . . is a man and not a conventional hero.  Lady Emily . . . is a picture drawn by a masterly hand, and made effective not by bold strokes and dashing outlines, but by a quiet completeness that gradually brings out the portrait distinct and perfect as a living thing.” Critic, January 2, 1854

“Kind, good, simple, unforced, full of energy, full of feeling.” Athenaeum, January 14, 1854 

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Crossword 104: Another Cavalcade of Crosswordese

Arthur Hughes, The Property Room

Arthur Hughes, The Property Room


Last year’s “Cavalcade of Crosswordese” was so enormously popular that I have decided to make a sequel.

But don’t suppose I’m just blindly feeding the appetite of the masses. As I’ve said before, my purpose in making puzzles is to influence the public to share my refined tastes and correct opinions by alluding to them in my grid entries.  So I’ve got my favorite Norwegian city in here, and my favorite sandwich cookie (except for the Hydrox), and my favorite boxer, and my favorite bygone autocrat (doggone those Bolsheviks!).  Alas, I couldn’t find a place for my favorite detective-movie dog this time, or my favorite Shakespearean quotation, or any of my favorite musicians; but no matter, I think my past work has already done enough to raise the profiles of Asta, “Et tu,” Ono, Eno, and the ELO. They’re catching on!

“How can I help in this worthy endeavor?” you ask.  It’s easy.  Donate $12 (and get a 15x15 bonus crossword made entirely of words and phrases current in the Victorian era), or $13.50 (and get a 21 x 21 bonus crossword made of the usual stuff) or $15 (and get both).  Just click this button:


Pointing Hand.png

A crossword of mine will appear Sunday, November 17, as the Universal Sunday Crossword (in, for example, the New York Daily News), and another Wednesday, November 20, in the Wall Street Journal.