Novel 164: Amelia Perrier, A Good Match (1872)

George Elgar Hicks, Maud

George Elgar Hicks, Maud


A spirited young lady resists her cruel baronet uncle’s plan to marry her to a wealthy pork-dealer.

Amelia Perrier (1841-1875) wrote two novels during her sadly brief career, of which this sprightly social comedy, featuring a refreshingly assertive heroine, is the second.

“‘A Good Match’ is very brisk and vivacious, and sparkles with arch humour.  Its heroine . . . tells her own story with a keen sense of fun in its recital. . . .  The charm of the story is its freshness, vigour, and dash. . . . The two volumes bristle with little keen, sharp sayings.  But beyond the charm of manner there is a deeper and truer charm . . . which is the thorough unaffected contempt of the writer for all that is base and cruel and mean.” Examiner, June 22, 1872

“Miss Perrier’s pen is perfectly unlaboured; she writes with ease, and apparently, out of a merry heart, in which the humour is untainted by cynicism; and it is a relief to sit down with two little volumes like these—trifling though the story is—after wearing through novels and tales innumerable, wrought, with much painstaking ability, out of their authors’ profound misconception of their own ability. . . . It reads like what it pretends to be, the autobiography of a healthy-minded, handsome girl, too courageous to be cowed by the kicks and cuffs of unloving relatives.” Spectator, November 2, 1872

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Crossword 163: P-p-puns

George Dunlop Leslie, Sweet Peas

George Dunlop Leslie, Sweet Peas


Now and then, in the major crossword venues, one finds a puzzle in which the theme answers consist of common two-word phrases that start with the same one or two letters.  POISONPILL PINGPONG PARCELPOST POLOPONY—voilà.  That theme took me just sixty seconds to produce.  No doubt a competent programmer with access to a phrase database could make a computer produce sixty such puzzles in sixty seconds.  And they would be just as much fun to solve as they were to make.

Why is such a theme acceptable?  Does anyone know?  I don’t get it.  Anyway, today’s puzzle represents my effort to improve on it.

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163 P-P-Puns

Crossword 160: OLÉ

Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema, An Oleander

Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema, An Oleander


Have no fear:  this puzzle has nothing to do with bullfighting, or soccer, or anything that requires you to watch people kill animals or run around on a rectangular surface.  I put an accent over the "e" just for the look of the thing. 

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160 Olé

Pointing Hand.png

A crossword of mine appears tomorrow, December 13, in Universal Crossword

Novel 160: Mrs. Henry Wood, Roland Yorke (1869)

Richard Dadd, Portrait of a Young Man

Richard Dadd, Portrait of a Young Man


A man is murdered; several characters are suspected in turn.

Here is the sequel to last week’s novel, The Channings, featuring (in addition to a few members of its exemplary title family) its scapegrace anti-hero, back from Africa and plunged in the midst of a murder mystery. It includes also a virtuous novelist killed by a bad review in a journal called The Snarler.

“A murder is started, pursued, worried, treated in fact like a hunted criminal.  Anxious to find its proper home, it seeks refuge, first under a flimsy disguise of suicide, then in the arms of this or that innocent person.  The most unlikely persons are pitched upon inevitably by the reader, and the real author of the disaster is untouched by suspicion up to the very last moment.  We must, in fairness, give Mrs. Wood credit for much care and ingenuity in keeping us in the dark so long. . . . There is something of original conception in the character of Roland Yorke.” Athenaeum, October 16, 1869

“It says a good deal for Mrs. Wood’s powers of narration that her story should show so smoothly as it does, interwoven as it is with a tissue of extravagances  and incongruities.” Saturday Review, March 5, 1870

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Novel 159: Mrs. Henry Wood, The Channings (1862)

John Partridge, The Clough-Taylor Family

John Partridge, The Clough-Taylor Family


An exemplary family struggles against misfortune in a cathedral town.

Here is another novel by Mrs. Wood, with many of the same qualities, good and bad, as East Lynne (see Novel 077).  Among its minor characters is a mischievous choirboy named Bywater.

“It can never be read without profit both by parents and children. . . . The merit . . . lies in the detail, and the extreme truthfulness and simplicity in which it is related. . . . It is impossible not to read every word with interest; and we feel that we know every character intimately, and feel real regret at parting with them.” Athenaeum, April 26, 1862

“It is pleasing, and readable, and well-contrived. . . . Very few of the purveyors of fiction could write as good a book.” Saturday Review, May 10, 1862

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Novel 158: Annie Edwardes, Ought We To Visit Her? (1871)

John William Godward, Ionian Dancing Girl

John William Godward, Ionian Dancing Girl


An Englishman, newly inheriting the family estate, returns after many years on the Continent with his ballet dancer wife.

Annie Edwardes (1830?-1896) wrote some 21 novels, many featuring heroines who, like the one here, defy Victorian social convention.

“Mrs. Edwardes understands and describes man very well indeed; and woman and her nature she understands something more than very well.” Pall Mall Gazette, November 21, 1871

“This is the brightest book we have read for some time. . . .  With little plot and less descriptive writing, it is full of sparkle, and point, and sub-acid humour, and sketches of character.” Spectator, November 25, 1871

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Crossword 157: Not Going Anywhere

John Atkinson Grimshaw, Moonlight on the Lake, Roundhay Park, Leeds

John Atkinson Grimshaw, Moonlight on the Lake, Roundhay Park, Leeds


With this puzzle I embark on my fourth year of providing the world with a weekly crossword and a weekly Victorian novel recommendation.  And I’m not going anywhere.  I’m here for the duration (don’t ask me of what), grimly determined to see it through (whatever it might be).  Nothing can shake my resolve!

Well, we’ll see how I feel tomorrow.

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157 Not Going Anywhere

Pointing Hand.png

A crossword of mine appears on Thursday, November 26, in Universal Crossword

Novel 157: Noell Radecliffe, Wheel within Wheel (1861)

Daniel Maclise, Title Unknown

Daniel Maclise, Title Unknown


A woman loves a man who regrets an entanglement with a married woman.

Here is another masterpiece by the unknown Radecliffe (see Novels 005, 105); its carefully finished plot, lively but nuanced characters, and incisive style are all typical of its author.

“It is written throughout with a remarkable smoothness and evenness;  . . . its characters are, in general, well conceived and consistently carried out, and both its hero and heroine, without being at all unnatural, are sufficiently out of the common way to inspire more than common degree of interest.  The construction of the story, however, is, we are inclined to think, the point which does the author most credit.  This is, as might be expected from the title of the book, of a more than usually complicated nature; and we are compelled at once to admire the ingenuity which has led to its conception, and the singular skill by which so great a multiplicity of distinct interests and incidents are made to converge to the final catastrophe.” Spectator, May 5, 1861

“A lively, brisk novel” written “with apparently great ease, and very considerable correctness of style.” Critic, May 11, 1861

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Crossword 156: Yet Another Cavalcade of Crosswordese

Thomas Francis Dicksee, Ophelia

Thomas Francis Dicksee, Ophelia


I conclude this website’s third year with a third cavalcade of crosswordese—a puzzle that combines the tiredest crossword fill I can find into the groanworthiest answer phrases I can imagine.  Its purpose is to arouse in the solver the emotions of morphological pity and alphabetic fear, thereby inducing a catharsis of those emotions (see Aristotle’s Poetics).  

Once cleansed, you’ll find yourself in a mood to donate to the site; so I’ve made that easy for you with the button below.  Donate $10 and you’ll get a crossword filled only with words and phrases current in the Victorian era (and still current today, of course).  Donate $13.50 and you’ll get a 21 x 21 crossword.  Donate $15 and you’ll get both.  Donate $10,000,000 and the site will be renamed in your honor.


I can also receive donations through PayPal and Venmo, at my email address.


Novel 156: W.E. Norris, My Friend Jim (1886)

Jan van Beers, Portrait of a Young Woman

Jan van Beers, Portrait of a Young Woman


A ruthless rector’s daughter lets nothing interfere with her social and material ambition.

Here is yet another novel by that most unjustly neglected of unjustly neglected novelists, W.E. Norris (see Novels 002, 054, 104).  This one features an amusingly bad anti-heroine.

“A capital sketch . . . of some phases of modern English life . . . told in an admirable way. . . .  Since Thackeray wrote, no British novelist, Trollope and one later writer excepted, present such amusing and delicate social cynicism, such fidelity to human nature, or handle such a diamond pointed pen when holding up the weakness and folly of mortal man.” Independent, September 30, 1886

“Mr. Norris does not crowd his canvas, his presentment of life is veracious and sober, his environment is clearly, often brilliantly, delineated, his characters are persuasively human and unheroic.” Saturday Review, October 16, 1886

“To those who appreciate finished style, quietly cynical humour, and consistent art in the rapid delineation of varied character, it can hardly fail to afford a treat.” Observer, December 26, 1886

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Novel 155: Charlotte Yonge, The Pillars of the House (1873)

Frederick Daniel Hardy, An Anxious Time

Frederick Daniel Hardy, An Anxious Time


A large orphaned family grows up in genteel poverty.

I have not yet read all Charlotte Yonge’s novels (see Novels 003, 053, 103), but of those I have read, this is the masterpiece.  It is twice as long even as the average Victorian three-volume novel, but you will wish it longer.

“We do not think that many of those who begin the four volumes will be content to leave them unfinished; and few who do finish them will not feel as if a great group were added to their intimate friends. . . . Miss Yonge’s dramatis personæ have the reality which others seek in vain to give. . . . It is intimate realization of her own characters, as living people, that gives to Miss Yonge’s stories, in spite of their apparent want of construction, a consistency, a tendency to one point which we sometimes miss in novels more ambitiously composed, and involving an obvious and avowed ‘plot’. . . . Her skill in drawing a number of people, all of whom have a family likeness, while each is yet unmistakably distinct from all the others . . . and, at the same time, perfectly consistent in his or her own development, was never more severely tested than in this history of the thirteen young Underwoods, whose fortunes she follows for eighteen years. . . . The charm consists . . . in the admirably accurate delineation of the daily ‘hopes and fears, passions and pleasures,’ which mould the quiet natures and sway the otherwise uneventful lives of” her characters. Athenaeum, September 27, 1873

“Her range is of the narrowest, but within it she shows herself thoroughly the artist.  Nearly all her characters here . . . have a distinct life and individuality of their own.” Examiner, December 6, 1873

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Crossword 154: Nicknames

John Atkinson Grimshaw, A Moonlit Lane

John Atkinson Grimshaw, A Moonlit Lane


Today’s puzzle has a sequel, involving a further twist, which I’ll make available next week as a bonus.  Meanwhile, here’s another painting by the great Atkinson Grimshaw, this one suitable for Halloweens with full moons.

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154 Nicknames

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A crossword of mine appears today, and another on Thursday, November 5, in Universal Crossword