Novel 184: Anna Harriet Drury, Deep Waters (1863)

Abraham Solomon - The Bride.jpg

Abraham Solomon, The Bride

A gentleman accused of fraud in a bank failure is loved by two good women.

Here is another novel by Drury (see Novel 64), featuring, amid a great deal of virtuous suffering, an eventful plot and some well-drawn characters.

“A thoroughly readable story, well written and well worked out, if due allowance be made for the improbabilities of the plot.” Westminster Review, July, 1863

“The plot is original, and well managed throughout, the characters well conceived and sustained. . . . the style pure, simple, and unaffected, and the interest uninterrupted.” Continental Monthly, January 1864

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Novel 183: Bithia Mary Croker, The Cat's-Paw (1902)

Sydney Prior Hall, The Maharani of Cooch Behar.jpg

Sydney Prior Hall, The Maharani of Cooch Behar

A virtuous young lady, orphaned and unwanted by relatives, is lured to India, where she has diverse adventures.

Here is another novel by Croker (see Novels 013, 073, 129), with a good (if somewhat episodic) plot, sharply defined characters, and a vividly realized setting.

The novel presents “the conditions and circumstances of Anglo-Indian life . . . as well as authors who take themselves more seriously. . . . The best part of the story is the picture of a third rate boarding house.” Athenaeum, March 1, 1902

“The book is fresh and vivacious; the pictures of Indian life are vivid and convincing.” Saturday Review, March 15, 1902

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Crossword 181: Digital Waste

Dante Gabriel Rossetti, The Beautiful Hand

Dante Gabriel Rossetti, The Beautiful Hand


Are you aware that, in the course of a lifetime, the average American adult discards enough ones and zeros to fill seven virtual football stadiums?  It’s just one more way that technology is making our world into a dystopian hellscape.  I’m thinking of doing my part to reverse this trend by etching my crosswords in stone the old-fashioned way and delivering them by ox-drawn carts.  Subscription fees may rise, of course, but won’t it be worth it?  What can equal the sound, the smell, the tactile thrill, of entering your answers in granite, with a chisel?

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181 Digital Waste

Crossword 180: Globalization

James Jacques Joseph Tissot, Young Ladies Looking at Japanese Objects

James Jacques Joseph Tissot, Young Ladies Looking at Japanese Objects


For me, crosswords aren’t about wordplay, enigmas, and such contemptible stuff, they’re about making the world a better place.  Here’s a puzzle that not only mentions good things (many other constructors justly praise themselves and each other for that), it actively promotes cultural exchange, global understanding, world peace, united human progress towards a brighter future!  Solve it and become a better person!

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180 Globalization

Pointing Hand.png

A crossword of mine appears tomorrow, May 2, in Universal Crossword (on that day, an Across Lite version may be downloaded here).

Novel 179: Mary Louisa Molesworth, She was Young and He was Old (1872)

Sophie Anderson, Portrait Of Young Girl

Sophie Anderson, Portrait Of Young Girl


A virtuous young lady marries a middle-aged attorney to please her dying mother.

Here is another novel by the other Molesworth (see Novel 100), with well-defined characters placed in a carefully developed, interestingly uncomfortable situation. 

“We have read it with a pleasure which is due partly to the inherent interest of the subject, hackneyed as it is, but mainly to the quiet dignity of the style, and a certain sub-acid flavour discernible throughout.” Molesworth has “hit off many of the weak points of provincial life.” Athenaeum, January 27, 1872

“The author . . . is an exceedingly graceful writer, with a good deal of literary taste.  Her pair of sisters have evidently been a work of love, and some pride as well.  We may congratulate her on a success.”  The main character “is certainly made so life-like that we have learned to look at her with her creator’s partial eyes.” Saturday Review, June 15, 1872

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Crossword 178: That’s Thats

George Frederick Watts, Echo 

George Frederick Watts, Echo 


This puzzle celebrates the versatility in English of the terminal “s”—which can indicated plurality, possession (either singular or plural, depending on apostrophe placement), or nothing in particular (as in the name “Bywaters”). It can also (with an apostrophe) indicate an elided version of the common word “is,” but I'm saving that for another puzzle, in which I’ll celebrate the versatility of the English apostrophe.  

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178 That's Thats

Novel 178: Mrs. Henry Chetwynd, A Brilliant Woman (1892)

Lord Frederic Leighton, Girl in Green

Lord Frederic Leighton, Girl in Green


A beautiful, much-admired woman marries so that she may become a society leader.

Here is another novel by Chetwynd (see Novel 80); though not free of sentimentalism, especially at the end, it features some excellent studies of changing characters.

“The plot is very ingeniously constructed. . . .  The husband . . . and the wife . . . are both highly individual characters, and exceedingly well drawn.” Academy, December 17, 1892

“We do not often get such good, careful work. . . .   From the first to the last page it is well written, and worth reading.” Spectator, January 28, 1893

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Crossword 175: Chariot

James Jacques Joseph Tissot, The Ladies of the Cars

James Jacques Joseph Tissot, The Ladies of the Cars


This puzzle, moving as it does from the ridiculous (gag gifts) to the sublime (church music), is calculated to lift you above sordid cares on a kind of celestial crossword chariot.  It’s part of my ongoing project of making the world a better place, one solver at a time.

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175 Chariot