Crossword 271: A Plus


William Powell Frith, A Dream of the Future


Only after I gave this puzzle its title did I remember having already made a crossword called “A Minus” (Crossword 005). Someday soon I’ll construct a puzzle and find, to my horror, that it’s exactly the same puzzle—in theme, grid, fill, and clues—as the one I constructed last year, or month, or week.  And when that happens I’ll put an end to this website at last and turn to my other lifelong dream—mastering the accordion.

Download this fortnight’s crossword:



Solve this fortnight’s crossword online:

271 A Plus

A crossword of mine will appear Saturday, March 4, in the Wall Street Journal.

Crossword 267: Happy New Year!


Frank Cadogan Cowper, Vanity


For more than five years I’ve been providing the world with a weekly Victorian novel recommendation and a weekly crossword puzzle. I thought that by now I’d be universally known and beloved. But I’m not, it seems. No one, on hearing my name at a retail outlet or on a customer-service line, has ever exclaimed, “What! No! Not the David Alfred Bywaters!” No street, however short or obscure, has been renamed in my honor. I haven’t been given a Nobel prize; I haven’t been given even a MacArthur “genius” grant, or an honorary degree.

I think that maybe I’ve been too generous, that I’ve made the world ungrateful by kinder treatment than it merits. So I’ve decided, with the new year, to post weekly not both a new crossword and a new Victorian novel recommendation, but either a new crossword or a new Victorian novel recommendation. Next Saturday, then, you’ll find on this site a novel recommendation, and the Saturday after that a new crossword, and so on and on, until my vanity is gratified, or until I grow tired of the whole business altogether.

Meanwhile, happy new year!

Download this week’s crossword:



Solve this week’s crossword online:

267 Happy New Year!

A crossword of mine will appear Wednesday, January 4, in the Wall Street Journal, and another Sunday, January 8, in the Los Angeles Times.

Crossword 263: Teaser Rates


Augustus Leopold Egg, A Teasing Riddle


I confess that when I applied the title “Teaser Rates” to this puzzle, I wasn’t sure exactly of the phrase’s meaning.  Was it a sibling-behavior phenomenon studied by child psychologists?  Was it a metric for hair salon workers whose compensation is based in part on the size of their tonsorial creations?  It turns out that, like the title of Crossword 144, it’s just another dubious financial practice.  So it sounds more fun than it is—like so many things in life. But not like this puzzle!

Download this week’s crossword:



Solve this week’s crossword online:

263 Teaser Rates

A crossword of mine appears Thursday, December 8, in the Los Angeles Times.

Crossword 260: Double Duties


Edmund Blair Leighton, Duty


Duty is an important value with us here at David Alfred Bywaters’s Crossword Cavalcade and Weekly Victorian Novel Recommender, as it was with the Victorians themselves; so this week’s puzzle, which concludes the website’s fifth year, is a cruciverbal Ode to Duty, just like Wordsworth’s, except that it’s a puzzle made up of crossed words rather than a poem..

Are you feeling a dutiful inclination to help support this website?  Now’s your chance!  As at other years’ ends, along with giving you absolutely free two 21 x 21 puzzles (this week and next week), we are offering bonus puzzles to those who donate.  You may click on the button below, or donate through PayPal or Venmo using the site’s email address.  There are four donation levels.  Donate $12 and receive a 15 x 15 crossword which employs only words current during the Victorian era (and, of course, still current today).  Donate $13.50 and receive a large, themed 21 x 21 crossword.  Donate $15 and receive both. 

And again, for a donation of $10,000,000.00 the site will be renamed in your honor. So if your name is, say, Melon Usk, it will henceforth be known as Melon Usk Presents David Alfred Bywaters’s Crossword Cavalcade and Weekly Victorian Novel Recommender.  Why do this?  Well, say you’re a little remorseful about spending 44 billion dollars on a social media platform that’s good for little but abusing one’s enemies and congratulating oneself—wouldn’t you feel much better about things if, for a tiny fraction of the price, you purchased in addition the right to present the world’s premier source of crossword puzzles and Victorian novel recommendations?

Download this week’s crosswords:



260-Double-Duties (2 pages).pdf

Solve this week’s crosswords online:

260 Double Duties


A crossword of mine appears today in the Wall Street Journal; another appears Friday, November 18, in the Los Angeles Times.